
Frequency Asked Questions

Some common questions you may encounter.

Feature Table

Static GenerationYesYes
Light/Dark ModeYesYes
Syntax HighlightingYesYes
Table of ContentsYesYes
Full-text SearchYesYes
Last Git Edit TimeYesYes
Page IconsYesYes, via _meta.js files
RSCYesPages Router Only
Remote SourceYesYes
SEOVia MetadataYes
Built-in ComponentsYesYes
RTL LayoutYesYes

Additional Features

Features supported via 3rd party libraries like TypeDoc will not be listed here.

OpenAPI IntegrationYesNo
TypeScript Docs GenerationYesNo
TypeScript TwoslashYesYes


Mintlify is a documentation service, as compared to Fumadocs, it offers a free tier but isn't completely free and open source.

Fumadocs is not as powerful as Mintlify, for example, the OpenAPI integration of Mintlify. As the creator of Fumadocs, I wouldn't recommend switching to Fumadocs from Mintlify if you're satisfied with the current way you build docs. However, I believe Fumadocs is a suitable tool for all Next.js developers who want to have elegant docs.


Docusaurus is a powerful framework based on React.js. It offers many cool features with plugins and custom themes.

Better DX

Since Fumadocs is built on the top of Next.js, you'll have to start the Next.js dev server every time to review changes. And boilerplate code is relatively more compared to Docusaurus. For a simple docs, Docusaurus might be a better choice if you don't need any Next.js specific functionality.


You can easily achieve many things with plugins. Although the flexibility of Fumadocs is high, their eco-system is larger and maintained by many contributors.

When to use Fumadocs?

For most of the web applications, vanilla React.js is no longer enough. Nowadays, we also wish to have a blog, a showcase page, a FAQ page, etc. With a fancy UI that's breathtaking, in these cases, Fumadocs can help you build the docs easier, with less boilerplate.

We are moving forward

More and more advanced features are rolling out. We currently support multiple searching solutions including Algolia Search. A good UI and user experience is always our priority, welcome to give us feedback via Github discussions!

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